Introduction REST assured is an open source Java library widely used among many of the companies. It provides a domain-specific language (DSL) for writing powerful, maintainable tests for RESTful API. Developing tool IntelliJ IDEA community version would be enough Framework / Tool / Language Maven: It is a build automation tool used primarily for Java project Java TestNG Create a maven project via IntelliJ IDEA Step 1. Open IntelliJ IDEA and create a new maven project File → New → Project Step 2 : Give relevant ArtifactId and GroupId and provide the path where the project to be saved. You don't need to add any required jar files manually. Maven will import all the relevant JAR files for you. All you have to do is specify the dependencies with the specific versions in the pom file. since we are going to use TestNG and REST Assured we will add them in the pom file. <dependencies> <dependency> <...