In this article we will discuss about how to automate Mobile application using Appium Server and Android Studio. Appium supports both iOS and Android. Appium is HTTP server. It receives the commands from client, executes the command on Mobile device and send a HTTP response representing the result of the command execution. I am going to use Android studio to create a virtual emulator. And Selenium WebDriver will be used to write the Client. I would prefer to use the virtual emulator instead of using real device. In actual devices you may find difficulties to connect/detect it. Pre-requisites .apk file is required to install in Mobile device (Virtual emulator). Android Studio, Appium desktop server and intelliJ IDEA have to be installed. Virtual emulator This post guides you to create the Virtual emulator using Android Studio. Once you launch the emulator now It's time to install the mobile application which is going to be automated. Drag and drop the apk file ...